Are you a non-profit running WordPress?  Do you wish you had the ability to ask for donations and place a very simple Donate button on your sidebar?  The following video will help you do just this!

Need more help after watching the video? Contact me for a quote on how I can help you get this up and running on your website.

You can also create a button that will enable your customers to pay you online through your website as well. To setup PayPal buttons and payment links however, you need to have a Premier or Business account. You cannot do this with a personal account. However, you can upgrade from a personal account to Premier / Business at no cost. The only difference is that you will be paying a higher fee per transaction.

Websites for a Song
Lisa Drew
WordPress Diva & Website Creator, Classical Singer, Artist
Websites for a Song LLC

Office Hours (unless urgent):
M-F 10am-5pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed