Sales Manager Tools: Identifying Website Gaps in Lead Generation and Sales

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Guest article by Duane Coleman of DLCA Internet Marketing

Sales manager tools - The Internet is a cost-effective lead generation and sales tool and, unlike most off-line media, its effectiveness is easily measurable. It's also easy to identify gaps in performance.

I define gaps as the difference between current performance and potential performance (potential performance - current performance = gaps). Another term for gaps is "missed opportunities," which can equate to lost revenue. Gaps can be significant, depending upon the number of transactions, average sale size and other factors.

For example, an organization has generated a conversion rate* of 1.3% for a pay-per-click advertising campaign. This organization has the potential to achieve a 3.0% conversion rate. The difference of 1.7% equates to over $4,500.00 in additional profit per month or $54,000.00 in incremental net income over a 12-month period.

Additional detail:

Key Metrics ............................................Current ..........Potential

Click Through Rate (CTR)*.........................35%.................1.0%
Conversion Rate**....................................1.3% ................3.0%
Sales Transactions/Month..........................11....................70
Cost per Sale............................................$47.69...............$26.67
Revenue per Sale....................................$100.00 ...........$100.00
Sales Revenue/Month..............................$1,057.88........$6,975.00
Net Income............................................. $553.35............$5,115.00
(sales - click costs, etc.)

Additional Monthly Revenue $5,917.13
Additional Monthly Net Income $4,561.65

Additional items that can be measured for gaps include search engine rankings, keywords, click through rates, abandonment rates, copy, etc. You can also measure gaps against the competition, in addition to market potential. These are effective sales manager tools.

Once you've identified the gaps, it's time to act

Identifying the gaps is the first piece of the puzzle. What's more important are the steps you take once the gaps have been identified.

I've seen many business owners attempt a number of tactics over the years and have found that those that have been the most successful have taken a strategic approach to their website.

In most cases, these successful website owners have leveraged the experience of Internet marketing professionals, SEO professionals, professional web copywriters and others.

Beginning with an assessment, or gap analysis, these professionals can pinpoint the gaps and develop a comprehensive strategy to plug these holes.

If you are interested in identifying the gaps in your website, contact a reputable Internet marketing firm. The services of these professionals more than pays for itself as performance improves dramatically and profits multiply.

*Click Through Rate (CTR): The number of clicks the ad receives divided by the number of times the ad is shown

**Conversion Rate: The number of conversions divided by the number of ad clicks

DLC&A Internet Marketing is a Twin Cities based internet marketing firm. They develop and implement search engine friendly internet marketing strategies that generate sales leads and revenue for small and medium sized businesses.

For additional information, please call 763-242-2454 or or visit DLC&A on line at

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