If Online Marketing for Business Websites was Easy, Everyone Would be Getting Rich on the Web...

Online marketing is just one of the topics regularly covered in Small Business Marketing Secrets newsletter. But most importantly, it addresses this important question small business owners ask themselves regularly:

"Why am I paying all this money for a website that doesn't produce any sales or leads?"

"And what can I do about it?"

Answering those questions is what Small Business Marketing Secrets is all about. Sign up right now and get free $9.99 ebook!


Thanks so much for the new website copy. I was embarrassed to send clients to our old site, and refused to use the site as a marketing tool. Now, it really promotes who we are and what we can do for clients. I'm your biggest fan!

Carrol Gatlin
Freeman Wehmhoff Gatlin PLLC


There are only two things that matter on a business website: Getting massive numbers of targeted traffic to your website and then converting them to buyers or callers. Nothing else matters.

That's what Small Business Marketing Secrets will teach you about - Small business marketing secrets that turns visitors into callers or buyers and draw tons of new visitors to your website.

I'm also offering my web writing and SEO writing newsletter Small Business Marketing Secrets in hopes that you'll decide I actually know what I'm talking about and use my services for your website marketing or so web designers offer my copywriting, SEO and Online Marketing services as a value-added service that makes you money without you having to learn a new skill.

However, to convince you of that, I have to send you solid articles on web writing and Search Engine Optimization, and Online Marketing

So even if you have no interest in my services, this is still an opportunity to learn something that will make you more valuable by improving your skill set.

Go to the page where my Small Business Marketing Secrets archives are. If you don't see anything that could help you, don't get my newsletter.

However, if you do, sign up with the form on the left-hand side of the page.

Another option is to at least get a free website analysis to find out what needs to be done to improve your web sales or sales leads.

And best of luck in all your endeavors!

Contact me with any questions!


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