If You Want to Know What Google Thinks is Good
Search Engine Optimization…Ask Them

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That's not as strange as it sounds. Google has posted what they consider proper Search Engine Optimization on their website and following their advice gives you good solid basic Search Engine Optimization.

Why follow Google's advice?

There are a number of good reasons.

  • Nearly 50% of all searches are done on Google. More if you consider the search engines and directories that use Google results for their searches.
  • 87% of people searching on Google click on organic search results, not paid results.
  • The top three organic results get 60% of the clicks from searchers.
  • Ergo, you want to make Google happy. Also, consider that if you use some of the bad search engine optimization advice out there, you could end up deleted from Google's database altogether. And that, my friend, is the worst position you could be in.

So how do you “ask” Google how to do search engine optimization that Google-bots love? Easy. Follow the link just below this paragraph. It leads to where Google posts what makes them happy or what they think is proper search engine optimization.


And if you are afraid that by following Google's advice, you'll do something the other search engines don't like, don' worry ‘bout it. Everyone else is chasing Google.

And remember, while some search engine optimization “experts” consider Google the enemy, Google has only one goal: To present the best and most relevant content to the people who use it.

So if your goal is to be the best site with the most relevant content on your subject or product or service, then your goals and Google's goals are one and the same. And if like some of the so-called search engine optimization “experts” out there, you're trying to scam your way to the top of the listings, I'll side with Google.

Here's a list of reviews, software, ebooks and courses to help you with SEO or Search Engine Optimization:

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